Changes Can Monkey Wrench Motors

Sept. 10, 2013
Many factors go in to the decision whether to repair or replace a motor: cost of the repair, cost of the new motor, expected lifespan, availability of a new motor, and efficiency of the exiting motor.

Would it be fightin’ words to say that, most of the time, motors run just fine? Because really, as maintenance professionals, we have a good grasp of the expected performance of our mechanical systems. We’re checking them out for one reason or another on a somewhat regular basis. We’re more or less aware of the loads they’re running. And we’re paying attention to the lifecycle, either through that ticker in the back of our head or through a more formal maintenance management program.

So if it’s that easy, what keeps us employed? A lot of the time, it’s the changes to the system that monkey-wrench older components. And then, stuff just breaks. Contrary to the casual tone taken here, most of us take great pride in keep things up and running, and we really don’t like surprises, especially the kind that make our phones ring after hours.

Read more of this Plant Services article here.

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