K-State Offers Short Course On Design, Storage And Flow

Oct. 4, 2016
International industry expert Richard Farnish will lead three-day course at Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center.

The Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center is offering a new short course focused on design, storage and flow with international industry expert Richard Farnish serving as the lead lecturer. Farnish, a senior research fellow, consultant, engineer and professor with the Wolfson Centre at the University of Greenwich, in Chatham, North Kent, England, will help instruct a three-day course titled, "Storage and Flow of Powders and Bulk Solids." The course runs Nov. 8-10 and will educate participants on designing bins, hoppers, chutes and feeders; understanding flow properties and problems for powders and bulk solids; and implementing trouble-shooting procedures related to flow problems.

"It is an honor to host Mr. Farnish as our lead instructor during the November course offering because he brings with him expertise that spans many decades from around the world," says John Lawrence, research director of the Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center. "Richard excels specifically in problem-solving bulk solids handling from the shape and design of the hopper to aeration considerations and flow aids. Both his depth of knowledge and reputation will be a valuable asset to anyone who attends.

Farnish, along with the other particle technology experts who are teaching, will utilize the facility's full-scale test laboratory for group exercises so participants can apply the course material in a realistic setting. These practical experiments include flow property testing, material characterization testing, storage containers design and flow of bulk solids in different sized hoppers.

Professionals who are involved with the plastics, chemical, mineral, food, grain and feed or pharmaceutical industries are encouraged to attend. The course costs $1,500 per participant and is designed for both new employees who need an introduction to the bulk solids arena as well as those who are seeking to develop their knowledge and experience.

For more information, visit: bulk-solids.k-state.edu

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