Regeneration Cycle
Figure 1. Vehicle gets hydrogen from alane, which when spent is regenerated electrochemically.
Source: Savannah River National Laboratory.
The process uses electrolysis and catalytic hydrogenation of spent aluminum to produce alane at ambient conditions (Figure 1). The electrolysis reaction takes place in a polar solvent such as tetrahydrofuran, while commercial titanium catalyst speeds the hydrogenation. The researchers describe the technique more fully in a recent paper in Chemical Communications.
So far, experiments have been conducted at bench scale (3–4 grams/run) in an inert atmosphere and have involved one regeneration cycle, says Zidan. The catalyst should last around 500 cycles, he believes.
"The biggest challenge is the energy needed to separate alane from the solvent," Zidan explains. "We have immediate plans to change conditions for more-optimum use of energy in regenerating alane. The work is ongoing." The researchers hope that industry will play a role in further developing the technology.
The approach also may suit other applications. "Alane adducts could be used for hydrogen storage or depositing aluminum films on optical and electronic devices, which is useful for industry. The electrochemical method makes it easy to produce these alane adducts," notes Zidan, who adds that the researchers are working on different aspects of adducts.