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Catalyst Society Honors Researcher

Feb. 10, 2021
Academic wins prize for work on solid catalysts
Johannes A. Lercher
The German Catalysis Society, Frankfurt, has awarded its 2021 Alwin Mittasch Prize to Johannes A. Lercher, a professor at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. The honor recognizes insightful research on catalysis and its industrial application and includes a €10,000 award.

The group cites his contributions to the development and understanding of solid catalysts for exploiting new sources of raw materials: “... Lercher's research focuses primarily on the fundamental understanding of catalysts and catalytic processes for the synthesis of energy carriers and chemical intermediates. Based on the characterization of catalysts and their active sites, using state-of-the-art physicochemical methods, he develops novel types of catalysts that enable a better exploitation of chemical potentials along the reaction pathway, resulting in chemical transformations at milder reaction conditions and with higher selectivity. Studies on changes to the catalyst over its life cycle also allow the identification of the ideal operating state and its limits for industrial processes.”

More details can be found here. 

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