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Safety Is No Accident

May 18, 2015
Organizations that take a “felt leadership” approach to process safety management are making strides in the ongoing quest to improve process safety.
Safety Is No Accident

Download the Special Report now.

The best laid plans are just that – plans. Unless you have someone championing the plans it’s nothing more than a useless exercise. This is true with process safety and unfortunately lives have been lost because of it. To truly improve process safety management (PSM), the responsibility falls to senior executives. It’s a trickle-down effect that at the very least will improve performance and at the utmost will save lives. DuPont calls this “felt leadership” and starts with leaders improving and influencing decision-making across the board.

[Special Report: Safety Is No Accident]

Once upper management is on board, you can get to the root of accidents. While it’s easy to place blame on operators, you must look at the whole picture not just the last few brush strokes. By applying systems thinking, you can examine the context in which the accident occurred and further apply the “felt leadership” approach. Understanding why decisions were made can help you steer the thinking in the future. Human errors aren’t a people problem, they are a process problem.

Indeed, if you design the process to be safe from the get-go, you are helping the decision-making down the line. Intrinsic safety has evolved to become one of the most commonly used protection methods in the process industry.

Special Report: Safety Is No Accident
To help keep your processes safe, the “Safety Is No Accident” Special Report is a compendium of practices that are proven in the field. Compiled by the editors and gathered all together here in one convenient eBook, you'll learn the following:

  • How to Achieve Effective Process Safety Management (PSM)
  • Getting To The Root Of Accidents
  • Optimizing Safety and Efficiency Through Modern Design

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