The Connection Between CFM Demand & Energy Efficiency

April 25, 2016
Following this process will result in the lowest overall cost of ownership and will help prevent buyer’s remorse.

When considering an air compressor purchase, the primary concern should be receiving the right amount of compressed air for the lowest overall cost. Far too often, only the purchase price of the new machines is considered, and this is a small fraction of the total lifecycle cost. Energy costs are the real driver of a compressor’s total cost of ownership, and in many cases energy costs in the first year of use will total more than the purchase price of a new air compressor.

As a user, it is critically important to understand the performance of the air compressors that any engineering group or company will be providing and to choose the most energy-efficient solution to save on long-term energy costs. That’s why, when researching and comparing air compressors, it’s important to examine all aspects of the costs associated with operating and maintaining the unit while making sure it’s correctly sized for the job.

Read the rest of this article from our sister publication Plant Services.

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