Often a single fan bay includes multiple air-cooler bundles, each operating in a different service. Many engineering and procurement standards call for combining services if individual fan bays would fall below some specific limit. So, two and three services routinely get put into one equipment assembly. This provides a small total plot plan and enables the use of standard size fans. Typical minimum fan bay widths range from 6 feet to 8 feet. Because the same fan supplies air to multiple services, you must independently control air-side flow for each service. Historically, louvers have handled this task. They are less expensive to buy than the other control methods but in many locales require substantial maintenance, especially for inexpensive ones. The relatively small size of most combined service bays does lower mechanical stresses on louver assemblies and make maintenance easier, though.Locations with severe climate variations may require more dramatic adjustments than louvers can provide. On single service air-cooler bays such adjustments may include manually turning fans off or partially blocking the air inlet to the bundle. However, the combined bay often precludes using drastic manual adjustment.