Cold-seal venting configurations provide a cost-effective alternative to nitrogen blanketing when vapors from the heat-transfer medium are not hazardous or undesirable.
Nitrogen blanketing
Nitrogen provides a barrier between atmospheric air and the heated fluid in the expansion tank. It also serves as a source for creating and maintaining a set pressure in excess of 250 psig, above the vapor pressure of certain heat-transfer fluids at temperatures at or above 650 Degrees F, to prevent fluid vaporization and the escape of vapors into the atmosphere.
Inert gas blanketing helps to maintain an artificial "atmosphere" above the heat-transfer fluid in the expansion tank. This prevents the entrance of air, which could react with the heat-transfer fluid to oxidize the oil, generate moisture resulting in condensation within the expansion tank, and/or cause tank corrosion. Another objective is to dilute and lower the vapor space's oxygen content to the extent that the vapor-air ratio is raised well above the upper flammable limit.
The pressures typically used for blanketing are dictated by the expansion tank's pressure rating for handling nitrogen gas pressure, as well as by the type of heat-transfer fluid, its maximum operating temperature and its vapor pressure at the operating temperature.
Chemical facilities should keep the pressure in old tanks and converted atmospheric expansion tanks as low as possible, maintaining it slightly over atmospheric barometric pressure. A typical pressure used is 0.5-inch (in.) water column (WC), equal to 0.0368 in. of mercury. By keeping the tank pressure at such a low level, plants will be able to keep nitrogen usage at a safe minimum level.
This is an application of Boyle's Law (P1V1=P2V2), which states that, as a given quantity of confined gas is compressed or expanded at a constant temperature, the volume varies inversely to the absolute pressure.
You must size the components for expansion-tank blanketing for the application. In most cases, a simple gas regulator is not accurate or responsive enough for blanketing. Even though a very low (in. of water) regulator may be used, it cannot possibly maintain a pressure with accuracy under varying conditions or when conditions are static ," i.e., constant liquid level ," because of its inherent droop characteristics (droop-deviation-offset is defined as the decrease in outlet pressure as flow increases).
Spring-loaded gas regulators primarily are designed to maintain the downstream pressure of a flowing gas. They tend to overshoot before tight shutoff and are not responsive to small pressure drops. Pressure must drop significantly for the regulator to be wide open. Therefore, you must employ some sort of a modified pilot-loading system to get the accuracy and speed of response needed.
Fig. 3 shows a typical nitrogen-blanketed expansion tank. Ideally, at least two or three openings are provided on the top of the tank for introducing the inert gas, monitoring and relieving pressure, and relieving vacuum.
Figure 3. Nitrogen-Blanketed Expansion Tank