Special Report: Effectively Deal With Waste Gas
Waste gas incinerators react oxygen with waste hydrocarbons at high temperature to produce a clean flue gas. A perfect incinerator would have a destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of 100%, zero fuel usage and zero emission of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. A small amount of the original hydrocarbons always remains, though. If 1% is left, the DRE is 99%. Some CO and NOx always are produced, too. However, NOx emissions are lower for a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) than for almost any other type of thermal oxidizer. With the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and local air boards requiring DRE values from 95% upward, effectively dealing with waste gas means ensuring compliance with the added benefit of reduced energy costs. In this Special Report we take a look at how an RTO often can offer an effective and fuel-efficient options for cutting the cost of waste gas incineration, how technologies transform greenhouse gas into a feedstock for chemicals, how the right emission control system can help meet compliance and reduce energy costs and several steps that play a crucial role for setting up an effective greenhouse gas monitoring plan.