Tap New Ways to Boil Down Experience

Operator Training: Tap New Ways to Boil Down Experience

Oct. 22, 2024
With the right tools, training is just condensed experience.

Unlike the movie “Field of Dreams, the “build it and they will come” approach doesn’t always work. Trainers may not use the tool effectively or even use it at all.

I was about to have an operator explain his response to a momentary power failure. “What am I supposed to do?” he asked. 

I told him to just show me how he would handle the situation. His continued reluctance made me suspect he was unsure of what actions he was supposed to take.  

A little taken aback, I said, “I’m not a qualified operator on this unit, but usually, people secure the fired heaters first.” 

He said, “OK,” and we headed off to the fired heaters.

Why did I know more about what to do than this first-year operator? I had more experience. 

A colleague once told me that training was just condensed experience — the skills and knowledge that would take decades to learn are condensed and imparted in a relatively short period. 

When I started in the process industries, training often consisted of a manual and shadowing an experienced employee.  

But mass retirements have left a knowledge transfer gap that limits opportunities to learn directly from seasoned veterans. 

To address this challenge, companies are increasingly turning to digital technologies as advanced training tools. 

Virtual Reality 

At the extreme end of simulation is the use of virtual reality (VR). Students see and walk through a plant in 3D. Handsets allow the student to manipulate valves and equipment. Yokogawa has developed VR simulations that operators can use remotely, allowing trainees to feel like they are in the plant while in the classroom (Figure 1). 

Beyond Technology: Hands-on Simulation

Ideally, students would have access to the actual equipment with which they will be working. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site in South Carolina produced plutonium for the U.S. government for years. The plant’s management team had a complete duplicate of one of the nuclear reactors dedicated solely to training. 

Since this is not practical in most instances, some companies have dedicated portions of the plant for learning. One such facility is operated by Emerson. At its training center outside Minneapolis, students can manipulate processes and process instrumentation without fear of causing a major upset (Figure 2).

The Dry Run: Scenario-Based Training

Simulations are inherently a form of scenario-based training, but there are other training tools that use scenarios without the cost of a simulator. Several plants conduct decision-making exercises focusing on the cognitive activities that occur before or during an event. 

Research from cognitive psychologist Gary Klein has shown that most problems in human error are due to poor diagnostics — choosing the wrong course of action — rather than an inability to implement the action. 

Scenarios are presented and stopped at crucial points to ask trainees what decision they would make. This decision is then compared to the choice made by experts. The basis for that decision, from both novice and expert, is presented, so the novice can see the world through the eyes of the expert. 

As Klein has often said, “Experts don’t just know more; they see things differently.”

Drip Learning vs. The ‘Firehose’ Approach

Much of current training has been described as a firehose approach to information transfer. Students are brought in for classes. Everything that they are ever expected to learn is given to them in a few short days. The information hits them like the flow from a firehose, with the hope they retain enough of the material to perform the tasks safely and successfully.

A few companies have at least tried to hold off training on topics that are relevant for more advanced positions (i.e., console operator) until the operator is attempting to qualify for that position. 

With operators now using handheld computers, training no longer needs to be confined to classrooms or conducted during overtime hours. Small learning exercises can be delivered to the students, enabling them to learn the material uncluttered by the mass of other information being given to them at the same time in traditional courses. 

The microlearning exercises can be timed with advancements to other positions and contain unit-specific information. 

Just-in-Time Training

“I remember being told something about this, but what was it?” How often have we said that in real life? I often say it the day after I’ve looked up something. Learning is most effective when it is immediately applicable. 

This approach makes the information more relevant and reduces the likelihood of it degrading or being forgotten. Many of us have used just-in-time training with YouTube how-to videos. 

This type of training can be done before a particularly complex task or even during the task. The need for an operator to guess at the required action —told to them months before — is no longer necessary. One company has installed QR codes on all its equipment, from which the operator can access information, such as procedures, specs and training videos.

Beyond The Classroom

Condensing experience so that it can be transferred to trainees has become much easier. No longer are students expected to absorb massive amounts of static information in a classroom setting. 

Simulation technologies enable the trainee to interact with the process in several ways, providing the practice missing from previous generations of training programs. 

The training can be spread out. Critical knowledge will not be lost because the trainee was overwhelmed by the volume of what was to be learned, and that critical knowledge can be presented when it will be most effective. 

About the Author

David Strobhar, PE

David Strobhar founded Beville Operator Performance Specialists in 1984, which conducts human factors engineering analyses of plant modernization, operator workload, and alarm/display systems for such companies as BP, Phillips, Chevron, Shell, and others. Mr. Strobhar was one of the founders of the Center for Operator Performance, a collaboration of operating companies, DCS suppliers, and academia which researches human factors issues in process control. He is the author of Human Factors is Process Plant Operations (Momentum Press) and was the Rationalization clause co-editor for ISA SP18.2, Alarm Management for the Process Industries. Strobhar has a degree in Human Factors Engineering and is a registered professional engineer in the state of Ohio. 

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