Process Industry Practices 9th Annual Conference

May 10, 2005
The theme for this year’s PIP Conference was “Changing Times – The Common Denominator”. With over 140 registered attendees the conference included participants from member, subscriber, and licensee companies as well as other invited guests from the industry.

Process Industry Practices, PIP, held its 9th Annual Conference on Wednesday April 27, 2005 in Houston, Texas. The theme for this year’s PIP Conference was “Changing Times – The Common Denominator”. With over 140 registered attendees the conference included participants from member, subscriber, and licensee companies as well as other invited guests from the industry. The one day conference agenda included presentations from key industry leaders, a panel discussion, workshops, and awards activities to recognize contributions from PIP member companies’ participants.

Mr. Jim Porter, Vice President of Safety, Health & Environment and Engineering for DuPont was the first speaker. He made an excellent presentation titled “Resourcing Our Future – Practice Makes Profit”. His comments addressed the importance of core values in determining the future and transformation of DuPont to becoming an “operational powerhouse”. Mr. Porter noted the importance of uniformity of standards as a means to help meet global competitive requirements.

Mr. JD Slaughter, President of S&B Engineers and Constructors Ltd., was also a featured speaker. His very moving presentation was titled “Opportunity for Change – The Need to Compete”. He addressed a number of factors contributing to current trends in US economic and individual income performance. Highlighting a number of “universal problems” influencing our lives, Mr. Slaughter stressed the importance of leadership, innovation, and change management to go along with application and utilization of best practices to assist in meeting future US and World energy demands.

PIP Chairman Glen Stucki, Advanced Silcon Materials, led a panel discussion on how “PIP Supports Dealing with Changing Times”. Panel participants from PIP member companies Aker Kvaerner, Arkema, Fluor, and Sunoco shared their companies’ experiences in using PIP Practices to help meet challenges they are confronted with.

Afternoon workshop sessions were heavily attended and participants had the opportunity to hear about and discuss details on the subjects of  “Case Histories – Projects Examples”, “Data Base Application for PIP Piping and Valve Practices”, “How to ‘Work’ PIP into Maintenance & Operations”, and “Specification Standardization Across Multiple Sites”. The results from these workshops will be further shared with all PIP members to further improve the adoption and implementation of PIP Practices.

The PIP Annual Conference included a number of events to recognize the contributions and achievements of many of the volunteer participants. A celebration for the Civil, Structural, Architectural team recognized the significant accomplishment as they approach the completion of publication of all Practices that have been identified in their discipline. In addition, approximately 50 individual and company awards were presented to recognize special contributions, participation, and attendance. Also, five member companies – AkerKvaerner, Burns & McDonnell, ConocoPhillips, Eastman Chemical, Honeywell, and Shell received annual implementation awards.

The PIP Annual Conference was concluded with an excellent dinner that was followed by an entertaining talk by well-known former long-term Houston TV anchor Mr. Ron Stone.

Access to additional information about PIP can be found at the following link to the PIP website: . Full lists of current Members, Subscribers, and Licensees can be accessed from this home page. Lists of published Practices and Abstracts are also available from this page.

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