Honeywell LCN Modernizes Control System Architecture

Nov. 14, 2017
Experion Local Control Network will allow customers to upgrade legacy TotalPlant Solution (TPS) systems.

Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS) introduces its Experion Local Control Network (LCN) offering, which enables the incremental upgrade of the company’s legacy TotalPlant Solution (TPS) control system for a secure, seamless integration with Experion PKS. Industrial facilities can gradually move their legacy control system forward to become part of a new, modern solution while leveraging existing automation assets.

Today, users of TPS deal with compliance issues related to new safety regulations and with increasing system support challenges. As every industrial organization is under pressure to reduce costs while improving performance, plants running outdated control systems need to avoid obsolescence by employing the latest automation technology. The Experion LCN solution provides users with standards-based functionality, regulatory support capabilities and integrated operations from the field through the plant to the business level, according to the company.

Honeywell’s on-process incremental upgrade to Experion LCN modernizes the control system infrastructure and enables deployment of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Existing control strategies, field terminations, applications, history and graphics can be retained, allowing users to focus on high-value improvements.

Using Honeywell’s Experion Fault Tolerant Ethernet (FTE) infrastructure, the new Experion LCN bridge connects Experion to Classic Coax LCN. Once this connection is established, the LCN coax connection can be removed one LCN node at a time. Instead of a hardware connection for every Experion TPS node, only one redundant Experion LCN bridge pair is needed to enable virtualization.

Honeywell’s TPS modernization solution minimizes operating disruptions and reportedly maintains overall consistency. After modernization, the control system can have a common Human Machine Interface (HMI) and unified physical control network, enabling control devices to easily integrate/expand with the latest generation of Experion PKS controllers and safety systems. The advanced control solutions and new functions within Experion PKS controllers can additionally improve the effectiveness of plant operations, according to the company.

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