ABB Swirl Meter Application Guide Covers Flow Measurement in Process Industries
March 13, 2014
Swirl meters provide wide measurement ranges and high accuracies with less need for straight pipe runs.
ABB’s Measurement Products business announces the availability of a 28-page application guide for swirl flow meters. The guide covers flow measurement in power, chemical, oil and gas, pulp and paper, metals and mining, and food and beverage industries. Flow applications reported include steam, acids, solvents, water, petrochemicals and a variety of gases.
Swirl meters provide wide measurement ranges and high accuracies with less need for straight pipe runs. Swirl meters are insensitive to dirt and pollution bearing flows. With an optional integrated temperature sensor, swirl meters can measure mass flow rates of saturated steam. They also provide multiple signal paths for volume flow, totalization and pulse outputs.
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