GF Piping Systems has expanded its Signet Metal Magmeter family to include the Model 2552-3 configuration. The 2552-3 is a rugged insertion flow sensor that permits hot-tap access to the pipe stream. This allows quick and easy installation or maintenance without system shut-down, significantly reducing overall costs. The robust design and durable metal housing provide accurate flow sensing in extremely harsh environments.
The lightweight extended configuration of the 2552-3 Magmeter can be mounted into a broad range of pipe sizes from 2 to 102 inches (DN50 to DN2550). The patented design offers outstanding performance characteristics including a wide dynamic flow range of 0.15 to 33 ft/s (0.05 to 10 m/s) with repeatability of ±0.5% of reading at 25°C. Superior linearity of ±1% reading provides excellent performance across a wide range of applications. Corrosion-resistant materials include 316 Stainless Steel, PVDF and FPM to ensure long service reliability and minimal maintenance.
Integral to the unit’s innovative design is its adjustable capabilities, which permit hot-tap installation using a ball valve. The low friction threaded steel hub allows installation or service to be completed without any additional tools or disrupting the pipe flow, and retrofitting is easily accomplished. The sensor’s short insertion depth minimizes pressure drop, conserving energy for pump operation. For special underwater applications, a submersible waterproof cable is available for limited periods.