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Product Exclusive: Flow Instruments Get Smarter

Jan. 20, 2017
Digital features enable fast commissioning, in-situ device verification and access to self-diagnostics.

Proline Promass Coriolis Mass Flowmeter
The Proline 300/500 smart Coriolis mass and electromagnetic flow instruments simplify installation, speed commissioning, and streamline operation and maintenance, says their maker. The instruments are optimized for maximum safety, enhanced measurement quality and device accessibility and availability, it adds. They also address the need for better digital communications and flow devices that can be used by less-experienced staff.

Proline Promass Coriolis mass flowmeters are available in 11 models from 1/24 to 14 in. in diameter for measuring flows up to 100,000 tons per day. Proline Promag flowmeters are available in sizes from 1/12 to 78 in. for volume flows up to 634 million gallons per day.

Equipped with aluminum, hygienic stainless-steel or cast stainless-steel housings, the instruments offer flexibility for all environments including those involving high temperatures or corrosive fluids or that must be hygienic and sterile. The 300 series are compact with the transmitter mounted integrally to the sensor, while the 500 series provides remote accessibility of the transmitter from sensors.

The 300/500series maintains the same dimensions of pre-existing sensors for easy drop-in replacement. This means users can experience new benefits without big changes or risks.

The implementation of redundant, traceable references helps avoid undetected drift in measurement. Proline 300/500 instruments let users access signals and data through human-machine interfaces (HMIs) to match plant preferences. Access is through a local, four-line, backlit, optical display, embedded web server, digital communication protocol, handheld device, asset management or other software, such as Endress+Hauser’s W@M lifecycle management software or secure WLAN. It was integrated into the optical displays to permit access from handhelds like tablet PCs or smart phones from a common web browser. Each method enables fast commissioning, in-situ device verification during operation, access to diagnostics and automated on-board data storage.

The instruments include three-part Heartbeat Technology with remedy-based diagnostics, monitoring and verification for satisfying regulatory, contractual, quality, safety or fiscal requirements. First, Heartbeat Diagnostics provides permanent self-monitoring for all Proline instruments meeting NAMUR NE107 requirements for event categorization and device remedies. Second, optional Heartbeat Monitoring identifies device trends from process influences, such as buildup, settling solids or liquids, erosion, corrosion and multiphase fluid flows. Third, TÜV-attested Heartbeat Verification is an in-situ verification method that can be triggered from anywhere to provide electronic quality reports. It’s also the only method that’s achieved third-party accreditation per traceable ISO metrological standards in operation.

These remedy-based diagnostics tell users on the display or any HMI what steps are needed to resolve the event faster and safer. Also, Heartbeat Verification allows device verification with audit safe documentation within 5 minutes or less, where this used to take at least 15 minutes.

To automatically protect data storage, every Proline instrument uses a unique HistoROM concept, which includes an onboard event logbook and data logger that can be accessed locally or remotely to store operating, calibration and verification data. For example, when Proline 300/500 detects a half-full pipe, it’s immediately noted in its HistoROM logbook, which can be called up any time or accessed via the web server. This allows more traceable measurements and visibility to events the meters experienced.

HistroROM also eases replacing or repairing flowmeters because its operating firmware is resident in device memory. HistroROM assures that device repair won’t force a control software revision or update. Also, complete parameterization is stored in memory, so device settings are restored to the original configuration for operation.

All Proline instruments comply with cCSAus, ATEX, NEPSI, INMETRO, EAC, IEC/EN 61326, NAMUR NE21, and EU and ACMA directives with options for custody transfer approvals such as NTEP. They’re also approved for SIL 2 and SIL 3 applications.

Endress+Hauser Inc.

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