Figure 1. The length of the pipeline means that small fluid changes have a big impact. (Click to enlarge.)
The pump handled either one of two feeds: a light stream (0.76 specific gravity) or a heavy one (0.91 specific gravity). The feeds were never mixed together. Due to downstream pipeline system constraints, the operation had to maintain a continuous feed rate of 540 gpm. The amount of time on each feed was varied as required.
Changes to the feed blending were being made upstream. The total average feed rate to the pipeline would slightly increase. The relative amounts of the products also would shift, to a greater amount of light feed. The most significant alteration was a boost in heavy feed viscosity from 11.4 cP to 14.1 cP.
Normally, relatively small changes in viscosity have only modest impacts in plant piping systems. However, two factors combined here to make the viscosity change extremely important. First, the pipeline length is 32 miles so, even small effects count for a lot. Second, the system has a drag reducing agent (DRA) added to cut pressure drop.
A DRA decreases pressure drop by making the laminar flow regime more stable. This extends the Reynolds number range for laminar flow. Laminar flow has much lower friction factors (and pressure drops) than turbulent flow. In laminar flow, pressure drop is proportional to viscosity. The viscosity change from 11.4 cP to 14.1 cP would increase head losses in the pipeline system by 24% in laminar flow.
The final analysis of the flow system was much more complex because DRA performance was tested on the new feeds and the exact DRA blend and concentration was changed to optimize overall performance. However, at the end of this, the pump still was significantly short of the head required.
Naturally, at this point, brute force solutions were discussed. The pump already had the maximum size impeller. Reducing the flow rate with parallel pumps has little impact, as moving back on the pump curve (Figure 2) only increases the pump head by 150 ft., which isnt enough.