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Solar-Powered Manufacturer Observes Milestone

June 6, 2016
NewAge Industries obtains all its electricity from renewable resources.

NewAge Industries' solar-powered manufacturing facility

Plastic tubing manufacturer NewAge Industries observes the fifth anniversary of its rooftop solar panel array and green power system this month. The array, consisting of over 4,000 solar panels, generates one megawatt of electricity annually, according to the company.

Before implementing the system, NewAge had reportedly taken other steps toward greening its carbon footprint including replacing all windows, adding screens to dock doors for natural ventilation, upgrading lighting, replacing manufacturing equipment motors with energy-efficient versions and properly recycling e-waste. It is estimated that the solar panel system will pay for itself in electricity savings in about four more years, according to the company.

“It’s very satisfying to say that we make our products using renewable energy,” says Ken Baker, NewAge CEO. “The solar array provides about half our annual electricity requirements, and the additional power needed is purchased from green energy providers.”  

NewAge continues its push toward greener activities, according to the company. It recently stopped providing polystyrene cups and asks team members to use washable, company-provided ceramic mugs or environmentally-friendly paper drinking cups. Team members receive aluminum water bottles that they can refill with spring water from the company’s water coolers. Carpooling is encouraged and practiced, and green cleaning products are used. Restrooms are equipped with motion sensors, so lights are only on when necessary.

For more information, visit: www.newageindustries.com

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