Flow-Cal, Inc. will hold its 16th annual Flow-Cal users group conference July 20-23, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue in Seattle, Washington.
The agenda for the four-day event includes informative sessions, case studies, roundtable discussions and networking events concentrating on Flow-Cal’s products and measurement best practices. The program for the 2015 event includes a large number of industry instructors from Flow-Cal’s user community, bringing operational experiences to aid other users in more effective utilization of Flow-Cal products. An extended liquids measurement track has been added to this year’s program for training on industry fundamentals and the practical application with Flow-Cal’s product line.
The keynote speaker for the 2015 conference is Nives Stanfelj, Microsoft worldwide oil and gas industry solutions director. He will discuss how companies are leveraging new technology to transform business practices. Flow-Cal’s next generation development project (nGen) is utilizing Microsoft’s underlying technology and UI design to maximize user experience.
The annual Flow-Cal users group provides a forum for sharing practical information that will help companies streamline operations and create efficiencies throughout their organizations, according to the company. Next year’s users group conference will be held in San Antonio, Texas October 24-27, 2016.
For more information, visit: www.flowcal.com