Bulk Solids Innovation Center Identifies Better Material Handling

Nov. 18, 2020
While its physical tests and experiments provide valuable bulk solids recommendations and know-how, BSIC also uses modeling software to conduct its research and identify solutions.

Liquids and gases are easy—or at least their characteristics and behaviors are better understood. Granules, grains, pellets, powders and other particulate solids are more varied and less studied, so their profiles often remain mysterious and require further study to let users handle and process them with fewer problems and greater effectiveness.

That's the basic mission of the Bulk Solids Innovation Center (BSIC) at Kansas State University in Salina, Kan. The center is the result of a collaborative partnership of industry, education and government, and is reported to be the only university-level research facility of its kind in North America. It examines the properties of various bulk substances; tests them and how they're handled and conveyed; develops reports and solutions to improve storage and flow efficiency; and educates users and interns about how to improve productivity.

Read the rest of this article from our sister publication Control Global 

You also may be interested in our Bulk Solids Innovation Center Journals. You can access them here.

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