Prosonix Limited has announced the establishment of their new company, following their acquisition of the C3 Technology business from Accentus plc on March 31, 2006.
The business will be led by new CEO David Hipkiss, with commercial operations directed by COO Andy Bush, and research, development and technology championed by CTO Dr Graham Ruecroft.
Prosonix vision is to become acknowledged world leaders in the commercialization of proprietary added value ultrasonic process solutions, and firmly intends to build upon the rapid growth and highly successful business development previously conducted under the C3 Technology brand.
Now based in new state-of-the-art facilities at the Oxford Science Park, Oxford UK, Prosonix teams of chemists and engineers work together to deliver a unique multidisciplinary approach to solving customers complex problems, leveraging proprietary intellectual property and patented bespoke sonoprocessing equipment for cost effective mutual advantage at commercial scale.
Prosonix technology can be applied at any stage during product development and is already proven across scale in a wide range of challenging industrial environments, and helps reduce time to market, enhance productivity, and improve product performance.
Core markets include Pharmaceuticals and Minerals Processing, where Prosonix sonocrystallization technology is employed at commercial scale for the Complete Crystallization Control of customers products, processes and unit operations. Prosonix has rapidly evolving activities in the oil and gas markets, confectionary and bioprocessing. Prosonix have also established a number of strategic partnerships with a range of global leading academic institutions and technology partners that places Prosonix firmly at the cutting edge of the next generation of commercial scale ultrasonic process intensification solutions.
These include international award winning CrystalGEM predictive crystallization technology, new SAX nanocrystallization technology, and a brand new area of focus in Sonobiocatalysis.