Separations Technology

A chemical process often must include specific steps to transform the raw product into one that has the exact purity and properties desired. The material may contain coproducts and impurities that must be removed fully or partially. In addition, the need for particular physical or other properties may require the material to go through certain operations.


Logo of Exxon Mobil hit by judge's gavel.

Exxon Takes Offensive Against Critics, Files Defamation Suit Over Recycling Claims

Oil giant alleges California AG and environmental groups caused lost business deals by falsely portraying its advanced plastics recycling as a "sham."
bottom view of the distillation columns of the oil and gas industry

Energy Saver: Dividing Wall Columns Supercharge Distillation Efficiency

This emerging technology promises up to 40% energy savings while reducing capital costs and carbon footprint in industrial chemical processes.
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Dirty Oil

Plant InSites: The Importance of Hot-Oil System Cleaning

One plant’s struggle with an evaporator system could have been avoided with proper maintenance.

Squelch Separator Snafus

Despite the consequences of poor drum performance, many engineers do not fully understand the basic assumptions often built into separator sizing. Basic drum sizing has three ...


Messer Air Separation Unit

Messer to Open New Air Separation Unit in Arkansas

Jan. 21, 2025
A new $70-million facility in Berryville will help meet the growing demand for industrial gases in the region.

IChemE Adds 25 New Technical Books To Free Library

April 22, 2022
New books on sustainability, process safety and design are available.

Linde Membrane Extracts Hydrogen From Natural Gas

Jan. 25, 2022
The full-scale plant at Linde’s production site in Dormagen, Germany, features Linde’s Hiselect powered by Evonik membrane technology to extract hydrogen from natural gas pipelines...

DOE Touts “Game-Changing” Rare-Earth Elements Separation Technology

Dec. 8, 2021
The technology provides insight into how to cost-effectively separate in-demand rare-earth elements, which could dramatically shift industry to benefit producers in the United...

Nanoscale Membranes Boost Organic Separations

July 6, 2022
Tunable pores enhance selectivity and energy efficiency

Surface Layer Improves Carbon Dioxide Capture

June 3, 2022
Novel membrane method increases selectivity with little reduction in permeability

Energy Saver: Get To The Root Of Energy Inefficiencies

May 17, 2022
Reducing energy consumption sometimes requires a deeper look

Powder/Fluid Handling: Don’t Stint On Separator Selection

Choosing solid/liquid separation equipment demands care