
Water serves a wide variety of roles at plants, including as a vehicle to dilute or transport materials, as a means to clean equipment and, sometimes, as a reactant. Cooling water often is used for reducing the temperature of process streams. Likewise, steam, which is a very efficient heat-transfer medium, frequently handles heating duties.


Rainwater systems

Troubleshooting Chemical Plant Rainwater Systems

Rainwater networks are often old, poorly documented (if at all), subjected to unseen wear and tear and lacking in comprehensive maintenance. Keep the following complications in...
Water drop in hand against natural background

7 Steps to Water-Positive Operations

Discover how chemical facilities and oil refineries can implement seven effective strategies to sustainably minimize water intake while maintaining operational efficiency.
Water Purity Challenges in Chemical Plants

Water Purity Challenges and Wastewater Compliance Strategies in Chemical Plants

Discover how process operations can meet regulatory challenges for managing source water, process water and wastewater contamination.
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Key Insights from the 2023 Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop: Optimizing Water/Steam Chemistry

Event explores microbiological control, cooling system maintenance, advances in film-forming products and others at power and co-generation plants.


wastewater treatment

Call for Papers: Cutting-Edge Water/Steam Chemistry, Cooling Water and Environmental Topics

Sept. 27, 2024
Electric Utility and Cogeneration Chemistry Workshop is looking for presentations to ensure the next generation has sound technical knowledge.

Evonik Ends Coal-Fired Power Generation At Marl

Sept. 3, 2019
Evonik will replace last coal-fired power plant at Marl Chemical Park with a modern, flexible gas and steam turbine power plant.

Wastewater Work Wins Membrane Award

July 23, 2018
Researcher receives honor for broad-based efforts

Siemens Reaches Additive Manufacturing Milestone

April 23, 2018
Siemens develops replacement parts 3D-printed from metal for an industrial steam turbine.

White Papers: In Depth Research


Steam eHandbook: Best Practices for Steam Systems

May 21, 2014
Operating and maintaining a reliable steam system is vital to chemical processing plants and can have significant cost impact on a plant's annual budget. Typical profit drainers...

Heating Water by Direct Steam Injection

May 3, 2012
Direct steam injection provides a solution where large volumes of hot water at precise temperatures are required, and saving space and energy are factors in the system design....

Reducing Water Consumption in Compressed Air Systems

Feb. 14, 2012
Compressed air systems are sometimes called the "4th Utility" due to their presence in almost all industrial processes and facilities. As US water consumption continues to increase...

Direct Steam Injection Hot Water Systems for Jacketed Heating

Feb. 14, 2012
This white paper takes an in-depth look at the advantages and disadvantages of steam and hot water for jacketed heating, and compares indirect and direct steam injection systems...