Separations Technology

A chemical process often must include specific steps to transform the raw product into one that has the exact purity and properties desired. The material may contain coproducts and impurities that must be removed fully or partially. In addition, the need for particular physical or other properties may require the material to go through certain operations.


Evonik Industries.
evonik gas separation membranes with hollow fiber technology

What’s New in Gas Separation Membrane Developments?

As companies invest in sustainable separation methods, membrane technology offers efficient gas separation solutions.
Energy Saver

Consider Energy-Smart Water Processing Through Advanced Membranes

New membrane-based technologies for brine concentration could cut energy use by up to 50% compared to traditional thermal methods.
How They Made it Work

Extracting Critical Materials From Gas and Oilfield Wastewaters

Argonne National Laboratory researchers are developing a separation process to enable more effective extraction of lithium from gas and oil field wastewaters.